I have a real problem with swearing. I enjoy four-letter words far more than I should - I actually get a weird sense of satisfaction when I use one in a sentence. This penchant, however, is generally not socially acceptable and it causes problems in professional environments and also around children. The former reason is why, as a second-year med student, I told my friend Mike to charge me 25 cents every time I used the F word. If I told him to charge me for every swear word I would be much deeper in student loan debt than I actually am, but I figured I had to start somewhere. The F word seemed like the best starting point, as it was the one that raised the most eyebrows. (I had not started using the C word at this point, otherwise that would have trumped the F word.) Long story very short, at the end of a particularly frustrating day, I wrote Mike a check for $26.25. Do that math.
The Good: Hubs and I have discovered spaghetti squash! Who knew a squash could be SO DAMN SPECIAL?
The Bad: I have my period.
The Ugly: I weighed 231.4 this week. Don't forget that I was 223.8 2 weeks ago.
Let's discuss these in order of importance, shall we?
Spaghetti squash! Good Lord. Go buy yourself a spaghetti squash, cut it in half, scoop out the seeds, bake it face down in about an inch of water on a cookie sheet at 450 for 45 minutes. Let it cool, scrape the squash out, and serve it with spaghetti sauce or whatever you like your pasta with. Because I will tell you, you can't tell the difference. You can't! I don't lie. I couldn't lie about something as serious as pasta, because as anyone who knows me will tell you, I am a pasta LOVER. But now that I've discovered spaghetti squash I doubt I'll ever make pasta again. It's 42 calories for a cup of spaghetti squash. COME ON. AND two veggie servings? BE STILL MY BEATING HEART. (Yeah, I meant to use all of those caps. I'm excited!)
My period. Lovely. My hands are puffy and I'm cramping a bit. Oh, and I've been sensitive. Ask Hubs. Oh, and I think it had at least a little to do with my weigh-in. Which brings me to...
...my weigh-in.
Notice that my weigh-in is the least important thing here. Please don't confuse this prioritization with apathy. Here, let me explain.
Refer back to the story at the beginning of this entry. That day I owed Mike $26.25 was clearly not a good day. It was not a victory. You might even say I failed, which I did. I failed to keep a clean mouth. I failed, so I was a failure, right? Well...yeah. It's the definition of the word. So be it. I didn't kick the crap out of myself, I just walked into class the next day and said, "Mike, you're not getting that much money from me today." We laughed, and at this point I'm not sure how much I had to give him that day, but it definitely wasn't $26.25. I didn't think about how many times I swore on that bad day, it didn't keep me up at night, it didn't make me feel like a loser, and I didn't hate myself.
So...BREAKTHROUGH!...why should my weight make me feel that way? Does the fact that I gained 6 measly pounds actually matter in the grand scheme of things? I mean, it sucks for my weight loss, no doubt. But my pants still fit. I still look good, because really, who the HELL sees 6 pounds? No one. Not even me.
I'm 6 pounds heavier. I'm not dumber. I'm not a worse person than I was when I was 225.4. I'm not less successful. I don't have fewer friends. My dog doesn't hate me. My family isn't shunning me.
It's 6 pounds, folks. It's not cancer. So we move forward, tweak some things, and do better.
You ain't gettin' $26.25 from me ever again, world. So enjoy your windfall, because it's coming to a screeching halt.
Happy weekend!!! :)
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